South Park Adjacent Streets Landscape Improvements
J.A. Brennan designed roadway, drainage, and pedestrian facilities improvements in a mixed-use neighborhood of South Park adjacent to the Duwamish waterway.
As part of a larger effort in South Park to provide natural drainage solutions and cleanse stormwater before it enters the Duwamish, the project provides innovative rain gardens that are enhanced with fungus/mycelium to treat contaminants. Bioretention soils will help achieve goals related to pollutant treatment, water quality, infiltration, and plant survival.
At South Donovan Street and Dallas Avenue South, a streetend was converted to a non-motorized public access corridor that connects to the Duwamish River’s edge. The pathway offers a green oasis with small gathering/viewing areas, and interpretive signage for the community to enjoy and learn about the Duwamish corridor. The new pathway will ultimately connect to adjacent riverside shoreline trails.
Client: Seattle City Light/the Environmental Protection Agency, and Seattle Public Utilities
Location: Seattle